Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the good, the bad, and my birthday

the good:
i have goiter! not thyroid cancer! woooooot! not that goiter is necessarily a good thing, but hell, it's better than cancer. from what i understand i'm not getting enough salt in my diet. i guess that means i can eat all the bacon i like guilt free. or at least till i get a heart attack.

the bad:

i thought my visit to the doc today would be as simple as a metaport flush. and of course it wasn't. my doc came into the room i was waiting in with a pretty concerned face and i knew that shit was going to be good.

since monday evening i've been experiencing really painful, sharp pains during random moments throughout the day around my metaport area. dr. donnelly was poking around it during my check up and it seems pretty tender. he says it's possible that i might have an infection and if at any point throughout today and tomorrow i have
the chills, a fever, or night sweats, to call him immediately. so on friday i've been scheduled to go back to the last place i wanted to be - northshore hospital, in order to get some testing done on my port.

as if my bad news wasn't bad enough, i just found out that my best friend, jess, also arrived back in the ER on my birthday. her metaport has been infected for a while and she's been in and out of the hospital for weeks now. i spoke
with her today and told her that i might be feeling some sympathy pains for her considering that its possible now that i might have an infection as well. i just hope she's ok and that we both get better soon.

my birthday:

two words - deliciously sexy! if you went to my birthday dinner at monkeytown you'd understand. thanks for all those who came out. as for those of you who didn't come because the inauguration was way cooler, i totally understand because i've accepted the fact that obama is way cooler than me. way way cooler :P

oh and i know i said i was going to post the beginnin
g of my facebook notes about cancer here today, but i decided i wrote too much already so i'll do that tomorrow. here are some of my birthday photos from sarah -

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